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Atte : Absurdbutcher

jueves, 25 de junio de 2009

Splattered Entrails - Carnivorous Parasitic Infection (2006)

goregrind bestial..desde Nueva york
una de las mejores bandas sadicas que haya escuchado de este genero..
albunazo lanzado en el 2006..carniceria enfermiza...

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1. Introilism (00:39)
2. Feeding Off the Growth (03:10)
3. Stub Grinder (01:32)
4. Anal Dissection (01:12)
5. Disembowling the Minotaur (01:37)
6. Penetration (03:15)
7. Injected With Strycnine (02:42)
8. SCID (Expulsive Incision cover) (04:09)
9. Stromata (02:19)
10. Syphilitic Discharge (01:36)
11. The Cure for Premenstrual Syndrome = Fellation (02:23)
12. Decommission of a Carcass (00:55)
13. Thus Night the Mooncat Stalketh by Darkness With the Moonbay of the 29ers Brought Down 3 Years Ago If Not Cat... The... Ready! 28:01

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