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Atte : Absurdbutcher

sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2009

Spain Kills Vol 8 Brutal Death metal

Pura Jodida Brutalidad Española ..como solo ellos saben hacer..

la mejor Edición del Spain Kills

1. Human Mincer - Degradation Paradox (3:11)
2. Impure - Hemorragic Bionic-Collapse (4:19)
3. Goreinhaled - Taste A Putrid Amputation (3:45)
4. Wormed - Ylem (3:36)
5. Scent of Death - Dancing Upon the Thin Line of Insanity (4:42)
6. Imbrue - Damned Tree (3:02)
7. Visceral Damage - Cadaver, the Amphytrion (2:37)
8. Haemophagia - Her Body on A Viscera Bath (4:02)
9. Die You - Innovative (3:00)
10. Hybrid - Sleep of the Defeated (3:58)
11. Infected Flesh - The Secrete Nostalgia of Collected Relics (4:26)
12. Hellsign - Prodigal Murderer (2:41)
13. Dyspraxia - Word of Lies (3:43)
14. Christ Denied - Festerchrist (3:03)
15. Apostles of Perversion - Coma Mixedomatoso (2:40)
16. Infernal Hate - Prepared for War (3:03)
17. Caustic - Progressive Human Tide (4:17)
18. Baalphegor - Manipulated Nerves Impulses (4:21)
19. Fall of Mankind - Devoción Por Torturar (3:56)
20. Kevlar Skin - The Coming of... (3:26)
21. Demented - Tired (3:26)
22. Putrefaktion Society - Putrefaktion Society (4:17)


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